General Foods North America™

Gene Expression Regulation (GER)


Gene Expression Regulation (GER) Technology:

Due to advances in science we now know that bacteria do not behave as individual cells – they are able to communicate with (i.e., send and receive information to/from) other bacteria and change their behavior (gene expression), based on the cell-population density. These perception and response mechanism is called Quorum Sensing System. When the cell-population density reaches a certain level – Quorum Sensing level – microorganisms begin to behave as a single multicellular organism, who can optimize their responses in order to maximize their survival rates.

Understanding this phenomenon, it is now possible to control or prevent gene expression of potentially harmful bacteria. This is how our group has developed its innovative Gene Expression Regulation (GER) technology and series of efficient products for aquaculture, which in addition to providing digestible nutrients, they can tackle environmental challenges as well as disease outbreaks, and achieve better performance, higher survival and growth rates, and better FCR rates.

Our products contain the most advanced feed additives in the industry and include high quality ingredients that allow good nutrients absorption and digestibility:


Probiotics are administered through the diet or directly through the water. Probiotics can prevent the growth of pathogenic microorganisms, contributes to digestive enzymes leading to increased feed utilization, provides various growth-promoting factors, and stimulates the immune responses of the animal.


Prebiotics are non-digestible food ingredients that selectively stimulate the growth or the metabolism of health-promoting bacteria in the gut leading to improved animal’s intestinal balance.


Phytobiotics are specific natural compounds (mostly derived from yeast and herbal extracts) capable of modulating the microflora towards a favorable composition, promoting and stimulating the development of beneficial bacteria and preventing potentially pathogenic microorganisms. Specifically, these ingredients are proven to interfere with QS communication.

All starter feeds for fish or shrimp from our group are now enhanced with probiotics, prebiotics and specific pool of phytobiotics, in order to ensure that the animals will have the highest chance to survive and grow, even in challenging environments.

We manufacture a wide range of aquafeeds for many different species to meet their nutritional requirements and feeding behavior (sizes, densities, floating/sinking). You are welcome to choose among our standard feeding programs or contact us so that we can develop your own customized feed for you.

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Product Details

NutriMAX™ Milk Fat Globule Membrane (MFGM)



Product Details

NutriMAX™ Alpha-Lactalbumin



Product Details

NutriMAX™ Lactoferrin

Lactoferrin is a naturally-occurring bioactive protein fraction found in whey. Utilizing our expertise in protein processing, we have developed our NutriMAX™ Lactoferrin range to meet growing consumer demand for health-enhanced products for all life stages.



Product Details

Whey Protein Hydrolysate

Our whey protein hydrolysates are developed to help athletes maximize their training gains and reach their goals faster. These hydrolysates contain the same great composition of branched-chain and essential amino acids, including the key amino acid leucine, but with a greater number of small peptide units.



Product Details

Whey Protein Isolate

General Foods is a leading manufacturer of whey protein isolate and operates the largest whey protein isolate manufacturing facility in North America by production volume. WPI provides the highest concentration of protein to support lean muscle building.



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Whey Protein Concentrate

Our whey protein concentrates are made via gentle filtration systems that prevent the protein structure from denaturing. This leads to a range of whey protein ingredients that are ideal for a variety of applications all while maintaining the unrivalled amino acid profile and health benefits whey protein is known for delivering.



Product Details


The MAXIcream™ range of fat and oil-based ingredients is perfect for high fat products and keto applications. This range provides various sources of fat, including MCTs (medium-chain triglycerides) which are known to support lipid metabolism. MAXIcream™ products have a clean, neutral taste with exceptional functionality while supporting clean label formulations.



Product Details

MAXIcas™ Micellar Casein

MAXIcas™ micellar casein is produced directly from fresh skimmed milk using micro and ultrafiltration processes that allow whey protein, lactose and soluble minerals to pass through the membranes while retaining the native micellar casein. The functionality of MAXIcas™ is similar to that of milk protein concentrate; however, with the majority of whey proteins removed, the ingredient is highly heat-stable, making it a perfect ingredient for UHT and retort applications.

